Welcome to the most boring and most important part of my website. These Terms and Conditions dictate how you and I will interact.

I will always refer to myself in the first person and every other type of reference refers to you, in one form or another. By accessing, purchasing, downloading, and any other interaction you have with my site, you agree to abide by these Terms. If you do not agree with all of the Terms, you may not use or register with my site.

My content is not intended for audiences below 18+. This is a hard stop for me. If you are under-age, please, please, PLEASE go find g-rated site to entertain you (like this one about getting lucky or this one about long, thin appendages). By accessing my site or any of my content, you are affirming that you are 18 or older. You also agree to take all reasonable precautions to not make this content available to anyone under the age of 18.

My videos and photos are my art. If you don’t like them, too bad. I’m always open to ideas and suggestions, and LOVE to have a dialogue with my fans about what they like and don’t like, but I do not make sacrifices in my art. As always, when an amateur produces content, some is good, some is great, and some needs improvement (I’m my own worst critic). If you’ve bought something you do or don’t like, either way, you can feel good knowing you’ve supported someone who is exploring their sexuality publicly for others to enjoy. You have done what most of society has not, and that’s worth a pat on the back.

I respect myself and expect the same from you. While much of society will have a problem with that statement, you being a more open minded person, likely has a greater tolerance for what self respect means. To me, this means you will not ask me to do things outside of my comfort zone (although asking where my comfort zone starts and ends – especially when requesting custom videos or photos – is completely allowed). I will entertain any and all questions that are respectful and within reason.

All my content belongs to me. That means that I give you the right to use the content you purchase for personal use only. This means you are restricted from uploading the content, charging money for the content, bundling the content as an added incentive for something else you are selling, or any other methods for which you receive compensation for the content I own. This also means that giving my content away to your friends (real or virtual) isn’t allowed and it would make you a pretty big douche-canoe if you did.

I never sell your personal information. This is my Privacy Policy. The information you get is secured by industry standards set by the industry standard platform that I use. I do regular security updates and use two-factor authentication. While I do my best to ensure all information is kept private, please only share info with me that you are comfortable sharing.

Links and the ads you may see from time to time contain links to other Internet sites and resources. I am not responsible for, and have no liability as a result of, the availability of those links or their content. I suggest that you review the terms of use and privacy policy of any website that you visit prior to using it.

You agree to indemnify me, my employees, and agents, from any loss or damages, including without limitation, reasonable legal fees which we may suffer from your activities on or use of my content, such as any breach by you of this Agreement or any charges or complaints made by other parties against you. You shall cooperate as fully as reasonably required in the defense of any claim. I reserve the right to assume the exclusive defense and control of any matter otherwise subject to indemnification by you; provided, however, that you shall remain liable for any such claim.

I reserve the right to send electronic mail to you. Based on allowances made in the CASL framework, I can send you email specified by the terms of the law. I do not spam you, but will send sexy emails from time to time. If you don’t like my sexiness, you can unsubscribe at any time via the link at the bottom of the email.