So you want to be a Porn Star?
Introducing the Amateur Adult Entertainment Startup Guide Book
Built on everything I learned from my own path to 20+ million views, this guide is a springboard to get you started. It contains all the things I wish I had known when I was new to this business. This guide will help you navigate through the challenges and get focused on the fun!

This Startup Guide contains the information you need to get started.
You'll learn countless tips and tricks, like:

Business tools at your fingertips.
Save yourself the trouble of figuring out how to manage your new startup. Websites, online tools, software, equipment - it's all outlined in the guide.

Discover the adult friendly social channels.
Not sure which social channels are best? Save yourself the trouble and discover where you should be focusing your time and efforts.

Get set up fast and start producing today.
It's a long established fact that satisfaction comes when you focus on what you enjoy. Learn how to get set up with the least amount of effort for the maximum return.
You'll have free access to future updates and revisions as the guide evolves - just log in and download at your leisure.
WATCH THE VIDEOA comprehensive guide to help you navigate the online adult industry.
You'll find many useful chapters and topics, including:
Finding your niche.
What will be the theme of my content? Do I have limitations to what I am willing todo?
The problem with adult content.
Who is willing to work with adult content?
Choosing a CMS.
Do I need a website? Where can I safely post my content?
What camera do I need? Should I buy lights? What video editing software?

Video Checklist.
What are the steps to create, edit, post, and promote a video?
Monetizing your content.
What can I sell other than videos? How can I use affiliate marketing?
Using an alias.
How do I protect my privacy? What can I do to stay safe?
Organizing your process.
Once I have 50+ videos, how do I stay organized?